AIA - Una storia di famiglia


Different entrusts Dadomani with the production of the commercial designed for AIA: a film based on the idea that the most important memories remain engraved in the heart forever.
The video recounts a journey through the memories of Iginio Massari, testimonial of the brand, and revolves around a series of static sculptures depicting the most significant and precious moments of his professional evolution starting from his childhood until today.
The precise choice not to animate the characters but, on the contrary, to keep them still, aims to immortalize them in their most meaningful and expressive moment.
The egg is the element that allows us to move through the whole story: it is the one that has gone through the generations of the Massari family and knows their history, anecdotes and people.

Client: Aia
Agency: Different
Director: Leonardo Ponzano
Set Design / Animation / Post Production: Dadomani
Assistant Set Designer: Agustina Alvarez / Fabiola Dusetta / Marika D'Abronzo / Alessandro Corti
Sculptures: Adriana Napolitano / Silvia Cerioli / Ilaria Trivelli / Yamina Naili
Character Design: Margherita Premuroso
Dop: Patrizio Saccò
Mix & Sound Fx: Enrico Ascoli
Speaker: Dario Agrillo
Making-of video: Giulia Massignan
