Mc Donald's - Teli mare


McDonald's entrusts Dadomani with the development of the 2023 beach towel promotion video.
The concept at the basis of the production involves the combination of stop-motion animation and 2D, in order to create a unique, unusual and original visual language.
The wave motion of the sea was reproduced by directly using the towel through a mechanism composed of a series of rollers, combined with a motion control movement that, from the frontal position, reaches the zenith view.
Everything recalls the dynamism of the sea and the sparkle of the summer season, without losing the focus on the brand's distinctive identity.

Client: Mc Donald's
Agency: Leo Burnett
Director: Leonardo Ponzano
Set Design / Animation: Dadomani
2D Animation: Emanuele Colombo
Assistant Set Designer: Adriana Napolitano / Agustina Alvarez
Dop: Patrizio Saccò

Character Design

Making-of Pictures