Feedback - Skills Zoetrope


We usually consider Homo sapiens the most evolved species. However in nature we find creatures that have developed extraordinary strategies in order to survive in the most unthinkable environments. Those strategies are the focus of the exhibition of the project " Skills - Nature has got them all", held at the Genova Aquarium,  in the "Padiglione Cetacei", from the 4th of may until the 9th of November 2018 .
This exhibition comprised of a big totem with text that introduces the exhibition itself and a screen that shows three episodes and the making of of the web series Skills. It has ten cases located outside the main structure that display the model of the animals, protagonists of the series. The main attraction of the exhibition is the zoetrope , a 3 m animation device  that brings our characters to life. 
The exhibition was commissioned by the digital platform Feedback. Feedback's  main goal is  the personal and professional growth of each of its users.  The Skills project uses  the adaptation strategies that animals have developed in nature to survive in order to inspire us and help us to overcome everyday challenges. 


Client : Feedback

Creative Direction / Design / Animation : Dadomani studio

Audio : Enrico Ascoli

Graphics : Carlo gazzi

3D : Animo

Setting : Gamma Allestimenti

Lights : Roberto Binetti

Assistant : Luisa Casatta

Making of : Luca Sorgato

- The Exhibition -