Conai - Raccolta Differenziata

Print Campaign

Le Balene for CONAI together with ANCI, creates a multi-subject press and billboard campaign to raise awareness on separate waste collection.
We were asked to create 2 of the 3 subjects.
In the first, we crafted 4 environments in Paper cutouts that represent 4 places where it is important to pay attention to how our waste is sorted.
For the second we enjoyed creating 10 plasticine characters representing two basket teams to communicate that plastic doesn’t “play” with aluminum any more any longer. 


Client : Conai

Set Design : Dadomani

Agency : Le Balene

Creative Direction : Francesco Guerrera, Sandro Baldoni

Client Manager : Marco Andolfato

Art direction : Marta Are, Elisa Villa

Copywriting : Carlotta Schoen, Andrea Pinotti