Conai - Love Cycle


The new short film CONAI (Consorzio Nazionale Imballaggi) debuts in cinemas and on social media, and it tells about recycling of packaging waste. The story symbolizes the set of activities and the use of the products during their life-cycle. Love-cycle in fact, tells the story of six protagonists (a tweezer, a coffee maker, a book, a dresser, a pair of glasses and a bottle) that go back home to their “packaging-parents” during the Christmas holidays. The film is shot with the stop-motion technique, and the protagonist characters are realistic and made out of real packaging material, but they are set in a fantastic setting  giving rise to a unique and personal visual language. 


Client : Conai

Direction / Set Design / Animation / Post Production : Dadomani studio

Agency : Jwt

Cinematographe r: Patrizio Saccò

Assistant Set Builder : Andrea Bottazzini